755 AE: The party meets its match

The party began the day outside of Deadhorse. After three months of exploration, they received their experience points (skill points in various skills) and were able to finish reading the books they found and reap their benefits. They rolled poorly for the most part, and used up a number of their Fortuna reading the books.

Anders Extended his senses to get the lay of the land and Noticed a human going into two joined towers in the center of town. He snuck in to reconnoiter and was spotted by Mahajabeen, a young pretty warrior guarding the horses in the tent between the towers. Anders was taken with her but she drew her sword and called for help so he fled. She followed and was about to tackle him when he unleashed his Ring of Sound, stunning her.

Back with the others, Cynthia came up with the brilliant plan of tying up Anders and marching him through town, claiming he was their bounty. Hadlof decided to stay behind and protect the rear, the very far rear. As they approached the towers, Cynthia shoved Anders to the ground and called him a pervert. Anders was not amused, but stayed down. After no attack was forthcoming from the towers, the party began talking with the men inside. Sunnhild mentioned they were being chased by trolls, and the other group said to stay away. Sunnhild managed to negotiate a deal for 15 m. of rope in exchange for 5 s., but when she got close, three archers opened up on her and she fell to the ground with a major wound to the abdomen.

At this, Anders threw off his ropes and ran to the side, then into the tent to attack the men inside the first tower. Cynthia rushed forward to aid Sunnhild. Cynthia was shot several times but her plate mail saved her and she dragged Sunnhild to the side of the tower and pulled the arrows free. She continued taking fire but poured a Witchwood Tea down Sunnhild’s throat.

Meanwhile, Anders ran to the door of the tower and tried to shoot Upasana, a scout for the bandits. She fled. After failing, he fled back to Cynthia and together they dragged Sunnhild to cover nearby. The bandits inside pursued and cut down first Anders and then Cynthia, but Cynthia managed to douse Humfries’ (the bandit leader) right arm in acid just before she went down. Humfries cut off his armor on the left arm and washed the badly burned armor to remove the acid.

Tonight’s Cunning Plans

Hadlof had noticed the commotion and snuck around the south side, where he ran into Upasana. She fled again, this time to the south, so Hadlof instead Sired flame on Mahajabeen’s helmet. She screamed in pain and tore off the helmet, her hair in flames and her head badly burned. Hadlof advanced to near Sunnhild, who was still recovering, and found himself facing Adway, a warrior clad in mithril armor. Hadlof sent Xunikite to attack Gwatsin (which the elemental did ineffectually). Hadlof tried Siring Adway’s codpiece, but it didn’t work, and Adway scored two minor wounds on Hadlof, and then another two by arrow when Hadlof ran.

After Hadlof fled, the party were taken prisoner, their goods taken, and their wounds bound. The bandits took most of their gear, but after the party promised not to seek revenge, they ultimately left them with jacke armor and basic swords. Cutting their legs, they bade the adventurers return to Lebnom and not to come through Deadhorse again.

Outside the town, the party bandaged their wounds and Cynthia sent a telepathic summons to Hadlof, who joined them shortly. After much discussion, they returned to Lebnom and then headed south to Manxrest, deciding to take an alternate route to Morkeep.

At Manxrest, Cynthia spotted several tall, slender figures that Anders felt may have been Trogs. The party left them alone and headed south to Whitewater. On the trail, a friendly tabby cat found them and began to follow them. Two nights later, four bear pouka came to their fire demanding food. They ate all the remaining food of the party and asked if they could eat the cat or any of the party members. Hadlof told them no but did put a rabbit to sleep near camp. Two of the poukas fought over the rabbit and tore it in half during their fight, each swallowing their half. Cynthia and Sunnhild woke up during all of this. Sunnhild figured it was a dream and went back to sleep, but when Cynthia raised a stink, Hadlof tried unsuccessfully to Sleep her. He’ll probably pay for that later. The bear poukas left in peace.

The next day, the party entered Whitewater and found only a poisoned well. As they went to leave, Sunnhild fell into a disused tunnel. The rest of the party descended as well when Sunnhild told them that there were a number of tunnels down there, each an arched passage 2 m. tall and built from brick. Realizing it would be left behind, the cat leapt down on Hadlof’s thigh as he climbed down, causing a minor wound.

We left the exploration of those tunnels for next time. It is now Arturio 40.

About lostdelights

An old gamer flying his freak flag, I've been playing table-top role-playing games since 1978. I've been building my own system (Journeyman) since 1981.
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