Most Popular Posts of the Blog

I’ve been writing this blog this since 2012, so there’s a lot of material here. If you want to cherry pick and just look at the very best, here’s the ones that people keep coming back to, in order of descending popularity.

Trying to Map Middle Earth: When we started playing MERP again, I tried to put together the most awesome Middle Earth map ever. Here’s why I failed, and some great resources that might help your effort.

Iron Rations in D&D & Pathfinder: Just a few notes, but a lot of people want to learn more about iron rations.

Beleriand: The Campaign Map Version 2: Created for our Beleriand campaign in, it taught me that Beleriand was best forgotten, as it was just the rough draft for Middle Earth. But if you’re interested, my map is about as good as you’ll find.

On Women in Armor (again): Just a couple notes on women in armor. When I wrote in 2012, very few female minis wore rational gear. Most were still in chainmail bikinis, or slutty dresses. I’m happy to report that the industry has changed and one can now find a lot of illustrations and minis of female characters in armor or in full gear.

Shield Lands Campaign, Greyhawk, 540 CY: This post described the campaign I was beginning. It also had a listing of all towns and cities in the Shield Lands and how many people lived there, which is probably why people go to this one so much.

Gamma World Map Generator: I created this back in 1990, and I’ve now updated the Excel file substantially, but haven’t yet released this for public use. I do have some samples available though.

Gamma World Cryptic Alliances Redefined: Using Alliances from all editions of the game, I used a 2×2 matrix to reorganize the Alliances. One axis was Individualistic vs. Group-centered. The other was Tolerant of Outsiders vs. Intolerant of Outsiders. That gave me four classifications in which to fit the Alliances:  Reclusive, Tribal, Artistes, and Cosmopolitan. Within those, I combined some similar Alliances and added some more.

Prices in Harn: Harn is very detailed, and therefore, so are its price lists. This post points to a few sources for those.

What a Medieval Shield might have looked like: Self-explanatory.

Wizard’s Spellbook Generator for Pathfinder, 1st edition, c2014: A set of Excel sheets. Hands-down the most popular download so far, but not updated for 2nd edition and later.

Selling Wizard’s Spells in Greyhawk, Pathfinder Style: Can you tell I often play a mage?

Good is not Stupid: The Orc Baby Dilemma: A discussion of alignments.

The AD&D Experience, Part 5: And what is Splint Mail anyways? Splint mail is an artifice of the armor class system of AD&D. I much prefer calling it Jacke.

Paper Miniatures: A couple of pointers to places I found them back in 2016, and a pointer towards information on Starguard, a very old scifi game.

John Eric Holmes, Confessions of a Dungeon Master (1980): A classic article from Psychology Today that is really hard to find nowadays.

The Play is the Thing, pt 1: A three-part discussion of role-playing.