New Character Sheets

David put together another version of the character sheets for Navah in Roll20. It’s marvelous to have another person working on the system. Changes include:

  • A wound counter has been added.
  • All stats can now be rolled on. 
  • Personality can be rolled on.
  • A spell list for all magic skills has been added with an initiative button (learn what initiative this particular character has with that spell).  The roll also now gives a page number to find the rule in the book (page numbers at bottom of page). Unfortunately, this will have to be updated with the next revision of the rules.
  • A display button has been added to the equipment, abilities, and notes. If we get around to it, this will show the rules or other relevant information in the chat.
  • Added a Shakti button to magic skills. 
  • Languages can now be rolled on.

I’m very lucky to have the players I have. All of them have refereed their own games with the Navah system. Matt is developing Middle Earth monsters and stories to go along with the Navah rules. The other Matt (my brother) is doing the same for his Traveller variation. David ran the Cinder Spires campaign, and is our Character Sheet guru. And Jack is our best rule tester, as he seeks to exploit every weakness in the game. 🙂

About lostdelights

An old gamer flying his freak flag, I've been playing table-top role-playing games since 1978. I've been building my own system (Journeyman) since 1981.
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