Delicious in Dungeon (ダンジョン飯) Paper Miniatures

If you haven’t read Delicious in Dungeon manga (2014-2023) or watched it on Netflix (2024), do yourself a favor and do so. The plot is that a group of adventurers don’t have a lot of money, so they decide to save on supplies and instead eat the monsters they find in the dungeon (a classic mega-dungeon). The setting is a lot like AD&D, but with some odd variants (the Chimaera seems very strange to me).

And here’s a stop action homage: Senshi’s Easy Cooking.

I use digital miniatures in my virtual games on Roll20 (200×200 pixel PNGs) and print those up for in-person games. I’ve started creating some for Delicious in Dungeon. Here’s the first ones…

About lostdelights

An old gamer flying his freak flag, I've been playing table-top role-playing games since 1978. I've been building my own system (Journeyman) since 1981.
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